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Agricultural development and the development of the NWT agri-food system is critically important.  The TAA takes a whole of system approach and develops and delivers projects and initiatives through collaboration and partnerships, stakeholder engagement and resilience and a social justice lens while recognizing that economic viability is an essential underpinning.

The Territorial Agri-food Association believes that making agriculture work in the NWT must be a central component of policy approaches to food insecurity reduction, poverty reduction and increasing economic growth.

Food security & sovereignty

2024/25 Food Security and Sovereignty Projects

Youth Coalition 4 Food Security North 

The TAA is the supporting organization and administrator of this project - winner of the 2024 Youth Arctic Inspiration Prize. This project has established a 21 member pan-territorial Northern Youth Council - email for information on how to get involved.  The project is currently seeking sustainability funding.  


Increasing the quality, diversity and demand for local food
Small scale agriculture historically produces more crop variety. Additionally, when local food decisions are in the hands of the local farmers, food processors and retailers, the food produced matches local tastes and allows consumers to move beyond food decisions driven by national and international marketers. Education and exposure are essential for young people to make good food decisions.  


2024 Youth Projects​

NWT Teen Chef Club

Working with Farmer's, Community Markets and other partners in Yellowknife, Fort Smith and Inuvik, teens were supported with food purchase vouchers, recipes and inspiration from like minded youth in the NWT and the Kootenay region of BC to shop, make and share creative food choices from ingredients found in their own communities. The 2024 season had 26 NWT Teen Chefs showcasing their skills. This program is supported by NWT Health and Social Services funding. Follow the youth on TikTok, Instagram, or Facebook as NWT Teen Chef Club.  We are taking applications for next years Club - email to get on the first notice list.


Little Green Sprouts

Inspiring hands-on learning and inquiry into seeds, nutrition, soil science,  plant needs, how food is grown and more! 45 daycares, kindergartens and schools in the NWT are discovering the fun and learning of growing food right in their own classrooms! Teachers/leaders receive all the training, support, learning resources and equipment they need to grow food in their learning environment.  Fully supported programming matched to curriculum and learning goals.  This program is supported by NWT Health and Social Services funding.

Currently in 2nd year of delivery.


Increasing the viability and sustainability of NWT food businesses.

Entrepreneurship is a pillar of a strong NWT food sector.  It fosters innovation and creates new business opportunities- leading to improved quality, variety and affordability for food consumers.


2024 Entrepreneurship Progams

Yukonstruct/TAA Accelerator Bootcamp

Delivered in partnership with Yukonstruct, this 8-week program caters to early-stage entrepreneurs in the food and beverage industry, offering a comprehensive curriculum that includes essential business skills and specialized training in agro-food processing.  

Visit this site for more information.  The first intake started October 2024.


A systems approach to sector development
This approach considers the relationships between businesses, government policies, regulations, infrastructure, workforce, and other factors that influence the overall performance and growth of the NWT food sector. By taking a holistic view of the sector, we can help create opportunities for improvement, address bottlenecks, and implement targeted interventions to drive sustainable development and growth. 


2024/25 Planned Activities of the Territorial Agri-food Association 


  • Deliver webinars, free to sector participants on business start-up and growth strategies and other topics specific to the NWT as requested.

  • Offer training on starting a food business/farm in the NWT.

  • Establish/work with training partners to begin establishing a NWT Agri-food Micro Credential program .

  • Hold an Agri-food Conference in February.  

  • Hold an NWT Food Festival in July.

  • Release new sector informational publications/resources.

  • Work with existing national and territorial education partners and develop new partnerships.

  • Collect reports from in territory researchers and share. 

  • Hold sector roundtables annually.

  • Collaborate with other related organizations and individuals to promote Canadian Agricultural Literacy Month (CALM), Earth Week, World Agriculture Day, Canadian Food Day, and World Soil Day.

  • Promote NWT growers and producers to the public.    

  • Participate in relevant/curated national organizations and agri-food groups. 

  • Take a leadership role in coordinating, liaising and information sharing with food and food adjacent programs, people and initiatives in the NWT.

  • Maintain an Agri-food Discovery Centre in Yellowknife for public education and training and food tourism support.

  • Promote individual farmers and food producers. 

  • Host visiting dignitaries.

  • Support in territory activities of researchers, partners and supporters.

  • Provide business start-up and growth advising to NWT Agrifood businesses as requested.

  • Advocate and act as a liaison on behalf of sector participants with government and regulatory systems.

  • Write TAA policy positions and advocacy statements related to the NWT Agrifood sector

  • Participate in recruiting new sector entrants.

  • Work with new entrants to navigate the sector.

  • Work with GNWT staff to promote the sector in the NWT and across Canada and the Circumpolar context.

  • Assistance with market penetration for NWT food growers and producers.

  • Accelerator programming (including mentoring) for NWT food businesses.

  • Introduction to Venture Capital Investment training for appropriate businesses and specific support for female led Northern food businesses ready for Venture Capital investment.

  • Providing contracted project management services.

  • Providing contracted agricultural planning services.

  • Organizational development.


If you have questions or would like to get involved, contact our Executive Director at


Honey Jars

Tastes of the North is a unique retail space featuring NWT made, grown, harvested, and processed food and food related products.  Come  visit at 5004 50th Avenue Yellowknife, NT and learn more about our featured entrepreneurs as well as the NWT agrifood sector as a whole.  Meet with our team to explore how you can be part of this dynamic growing sector. 


Tastes  of the North is the business arm of the not for profit Territorial Agri-food Association(TAA) and as such does not access any government funding or grants received by the TAA.  Any revenue is used to further the NWT agrifood sector


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Territorial Agrifood Association


Phone: 1.867.447-FOOD (3663)


Office: 5004 50th Avenue, Yellowknife


The TAA represents the interests of the NWT agrifood industry. We are committed to building a sustainable, resilient agrifood system through entrepreneurship and innovation.

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