Farmers markets provide one of the only low-barrier entry points for beginning farmers and food processors, allowing them to start small, test the market, and grow their businesses.
What to Sell at a Farmers’ Market
Selling at a farmers market can be profitable, but what can you sell? Here are some items that are always popular at a farmer’s market:
Fruits and vegetables. The most obvious items to sell that are always in high demand are fresh fruits and vegetables. If you have a garden, this is a great way to sell your extra fruits and vegetables. Or, you may develop a “market garden” of produce expressly grown for sale. Whether you want to become a full-time farmer or just earn a little money on the side, a market garden is a fantastic way to start profiting from your gardening passion. Check out this site for tips: https://grocycle.com/starting-a-market-garden?
Baked desserts Another popular item to sell at farmers' markets is baked desserts. This can include items like bread, pies, cookies, and cakes.
Preserves and pickles. If you like to can or pickle, you can sell your preserves. This includes items like jams, jellies, pickles, and sauces.
Honey and other bee products. Beekeepers can sell honey, beeswax, and other bee products.
Prepared meals. Whether made to dine on-site or for takeaway, prepared meals are often popular and are a great way to test your recipes.
Baked goods.
Other items in demand can include custom spice blends, mustards, nuts, popcorn, and foraged items. If you would like to discuss your idea, reach out to ed@nwtagrifood.ca.
NWT Farmer’s Markets
Visit each market’s own website for annual opening and closing dates and lists of vendors.
The Yellowknife Farmers Market (YKFM) occurs every Tuesday (June to September ) from 5:15 pm-7:15 pm at the Somba K’e Civic Plaza beside City Hall. Approximately 40 vendors.
Hay River
The Fisherman’s Wharf market is held every Saturday (July to September) from 10 am to 2 pm. Approximately 40 vendors.
Fort Smith
Desnede Farmer’s Market runs every Sunday (mid-June to mid-September) from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm at the Long Warehouse in Mission Park.
Norman Wells
Parks Day Market occurs on various Saturdays in July at Mackinnon Park. Vendors are invited to sell whatever they want!
Fort Good Hope
Held once a month, from June to November (dates determined annually). The market includes harvests from the community garden and crafts.
The Inuvik Arctic Market runs from 11 am to 2 pm every Saturday (mid-June to early September) at Chief Jim Koe Park at the Inuvik Welcome Centre.
Fort Simpson
Once a year at the Recreation Centre, this farmer’s market features produce from market gardens around the region.
Wanting to start a Food Business in the NWT?
Follow our events page to find the next offering of our 1-day course on starting a Food Business in the NWT.
Additional information and free resources for vendors and farmers market managers and Boards.